Designing Democracy


In the future collecting and analyzing endogenous data through medical devices could be done by the patient himself at home. In this scenario, a redesign of the devices must embody a specific form of authority and democratic power, as found in participative or collaborative design processes.

The research project investigates the possible realization and effects of such future devices, thus their information design on medical practice and care as well as on the practice of design. It is aimed to gain insights especially for the future role of designers and their social responsibility in the context of designing digital products for healthcare.

Dissertation I Democracy I Ethics I Healthcare I Information Design I Participation 

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Experimentelle Designmethoden – Experimental Methods in Design

Experimentelle desinmethoden studienheft

This study booklet is about getting to know the manifold possibilities of application for experimental methods in design to develop a deeper understanding of these future-oriented methods for the practice of design and awaken the spirit of discovery in students when experimenting in their design projects.

Design methods I Experimental methods

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